Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Meet The Author 8

Today's Author: Alex Braguine (Light Sword Publishing)
Where do you live?
Just outside Washington, D. C.
When in Laos I had a Malayan sun bear who was great beer drinking companion. In Kenya, had a pack f eight dogs run by a bossy Washensi bitch. Horses were always important. though havent owned any for the last ten years.
Astrological Sign?
Dream Job?
The one I enjoy the most was as a safari outfitter in Africa.
Favorite Genre?
Intelleigent thrillers
Some Favorite authors?
Le Carre, Forsythe, Follet, Perez-Reverte
Favorite Fiction Hero?
Ostap Bender (The Twelve Chairs and The golden Calf by Ilf & POetrov)
Favorite Real-life Hero?
Otto Kretshmer (WWII U_Boat commander)
Favorite Fictional Heroine?
Natasha (War & Peace)
Favorite Real-life Heroine?
My Ex who played a leading role in saving survivors after the sinking of the yact Tafuta Tu.
Favorite TV Show?
I don't watch TV.
Lifelong Ambition?
To write at least on book.
Where's the Farthest you've traveled?
25,000 miles (Around the world, both east and westbound)
Your Best Feature or Talent?
patience and perseverance
Catchphrase or Moto?
Rebellion is the greatest form of self-expression.
Web site or blog link?
Tell us about your book(s). Any more in the works?
Kingmaker is about an intelligence officer who refuses to modify a report to suit a political agenda. This leads him to Africa where he uncovers a plot to manipulate the war or terror and to loot natural resources.
I'm now working on The Schubert Cipher where: An unbroken Nazi code holds the key to a plot by a foreign power to gain control of the U. S. government.

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