Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Time Current mood: busy
Is it just me or is there not enough time in the day anymore? Okay. I'll fess-up. 1) I've volunteered for a bit too much lately. 2) I've got two books coming out within three weeks of each other. 3) I have a hubby and a dog who thinks they should get some attention each day. Who'd of thunk? 4) Hubby has decided he's ready to put the house on the market early next year. The real estate lady seems to think March is the perfect month to list it. Why did that almost make me faint? Because EPICon is March 4-7, 2010, here in New Orleans. I'm the chair. I HAVE to be there. And even if I could hand it off to someone else, at this point I've put too damned much work into it to let someone else take over and take credit. And speaking of too much to do and not enough time, I need to get back to work.


HollyJacobs said...

Hey, Char!!

I was thinking about you today and checked in...and while I love that you're thinking about moving, I'm also glad you're not thinking about handing the conference off to anyone!! I want to see you there!!LOL

Hope you're not going to crazy with everything...you've got quite the full plate!


CJ Parker said...

I just found out today I'm supposed to design and have printed the Awards program. I was just thinking I was on the home run stretch. That's what I get for thinking.

HollyJacobs said...

Char, Yes, Thinking is always dangerous! LOL Good luck!
